Expertly Farmed & Prepared
Cigars have long been associated with luxury and refinement, and for good reason. Cigar aficionados know that premium cigars are Serious Business, often made with only the finest tobaccos and expert craftsmanship. The wrapper is one of the most important aspects of a cigar, and the Habano wrapper used on this cigar is no exception. This particular wrapper is prized for its rich flavor profile, which is further enhanced by the Indonesian binder and Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Pennsylvania filler tobaccos. The result is a complex and delicious cigar with notes of cocoa, coffee, and a small hint of pepper. This cigar pairs well with single malt Scotch and makes an excellent choice to end the night with. It’s medium strength ensures that it will be enjoyable for both experienced smokers and those new to cigars alike. So go ahead and treat yourself to something special – you deserve it!
Strength – Medium Body
Expertly Crafted
Premium Cigars
Redbone has been known as the perfect balance of flavors with just enough spice. The Signature line is made by taking aged tobacco leaves and blending them to perfection, all while maintaining that signature “Red Bone” taste you love so much!