Expertly Farmed & Prepared
Cigars have long been associated with luxury and refinement, and the Maduro Cigar is no exception. This premium cigar is made with a wrapper leaf from Venezuela, known for its rich, chocolatey flavor. The binder is Indonesian, adding a touch of spice to the mix. The filler is a blend of tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Pennsylvania, giving the cigar a complex and well-rounded flavor. The Maduro Cigar is a full-bodied cigar, with notes of chocolate, espresso and spices. It’s perfect for those who enjoy a bolder smoking experience. Whether you’re enjoying a special occasion or simply relaxing after a long day, the Maduro Cigar is sure to make it even better.
Strength – Full Body
Expertly Crafted
Premium Cigars
Redbone has been known as the perfect balance of flavors with just enough spice. The Signature line is made by taking aged tobacco leaves and blending them to perfection, all while maintaining that signature “Red Bone” taste you love so much!